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Good news | Who will listen? | Born in Bethlehem | Listen, my brothers! | My dear Lord | Listen my love | God is our shepherd | I am a sinner | Who has created? | Listen, oh listen | I thank the Lord | Today Jesus from Nazareth | Thanks to you, oh God | Come, come | Let's go brother | Jesus has come | A star shining in the East | God has shown mercy | Praise, Jesus praise | Praise Lord, Jesus Christ | Meeting Jesus | The Exodus from Egypt | Moses's Birth | Creation of the Spirit World | Beginning | Fall | Cain and Abel | Abraham | Joseph | Moses | Freedom | God's rules | Abraham's family complains | Gideon | David and Goliath | God's promise to David | David's sin | David's punishment | Elijah and Baal | Sadrach Mesach Abednego | Birth of Jesus | Baptism | Disciples | Demons in the pigs | Prodigal son | Lazarus | Jesus' arrest and Peter's denial | Last supper | Death of Jesus | Resurrection | Peter's Restoration and Jesus' ascension | Pentecost | Jailer | An angel speaks to Mary | Joseph's dream | Jesus' birth | Shepherds are told about Jesus' birth | God's promise is fulfilled | The coming of the astrologers | Jesus' rescue | John tells the people that the Saviour is coming | John's death | Jesus does not fail the test | Jesus makes four fisherman his disciples | Jesus drives a demon from a man | Jesus heals Simon's mother in law | Jesus heals a leper | Jesus heals a lame man | Jesus makes a tax gatherer his disciple | People are asking Jesus about fasting | Jesus is also the Lord of the resting day | People are coming to Jesus from all directions | Jesus has defeated Satan | Jesus is teaching | God's word compared to a seed of grain | Jesus tells several stories | On Jesus' word, the storm calms | Jesus sends an army of demons away | A dead girl becomes alive | Jesus' village does not accept him | The disciples are send to preach | Jesus feeds 5000 people | Jesus walks on water | Jesus teaches about clean and unclean | A foreign woman believes in Jesus | Jesus heals a deaf man | Jesus now feeds 4000 people | The religious teachers are testing Jesus | Jesus heals a blind man | Jesus tells that he will be killed | Jesus heals a boy with a demon | Jesus tells again that he will be killed | Who wants to be big, has to make himself small | We should not lead others astray | Teaching about divorce | Jesus blesses the children | Jesus teaches to love | Jesus teaches about prayer | We have to trust God | We should not consider ourselves important | पापि मैंसक बचणल परमेश्वर खुश हुंनी | Jesus tells for the third time that he will be killed | Two disciples want to be the most important | Jesus again heals a blind man | Jesus' welcome in Jerusalem | Through faith all things are possible | The religious teachers are challenging Jesus | A story about unjust farmers | The religious teachers want to trick Jesus | Becoming alive again | The greatest command | We should not do things for show | Jesus talks about coming troubles | दुनियॉक अंत हुणक निशाण | A woman applies perfume on Jesus | The disciples prepare the feast | Jesus and the disciples celebrate the feast | Jesus prays in sadness | Jesus is being arrested | Jesus before the Jewish high court | Peter denies Jesus | Jesus before the governor | Jesus is crucified | Jesus' death | Jesus' burial | Guards at the grave | Jesus becomes alive | The lies of the priests | Jesus meets the disciples and eats with them | शिष्योंक दगाड़ फिर यीशुक भेट | Peter is forgiven by Jesus | Jesus goes to heaven | the begining of the church | Jesus goes to heaven | Prophecy of the coming Saviour | Jesus blesses the children | Jesus becomes alive | Paulus in prison | The coming of the holy spirit | Destroyed by water | The creation of the world | First murder | The first man and woman | Abraham | Abraham gets a son | David is chosen as king | David becomes king | David's sin | David's punishment | A man with leprosy gets healed | Mary becomes pregnant | Jesus' birth | Jesus' baptism | Jesus drives out an evil spirit | Jesus raises a girl from the death | The good Samaritan | A son comes home | Jesus' death | Paul becomes a believer | Paul is freed from prison | A new earth